E. Scott Ostrowski

Mega Loans

Phone: (630) 277-9321

Licensed state: Illinois


About me

Since 1991, E. Scott Ostrowski has been providing Awesome Options for Awesome People™! He has extensive experience in a variety of areas such as: debt consolidations, zero down purchases, reverse mortgages, FHA, VA, and many more.

Scott has been in the executive management and ownership role in many of those years and has a profound understanding of the home buying and refinancing processes. Scott is known in the business as somebody who knows how to get the toughest deals done. His knowledge base within the Zero Down purchase & reverse mortgage segments is rated within the highest in the industry.

As an internet innovator, Scott closed his first internet mortgage transaction over 25 years ago & had one of the highest rated Zero Down purchase websites for several years. He is also highly active in social media with several published articles to his credit.

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